Organizing activities to promote cultural integration/raise sensitivity to diverse cultures and religions:
‘Teachers’ Training programme’ and ‘Students’ talk’ will be established for students and teachers to learn the culture, tradition and taboos from the ethnic group which can improve the communication techniques between them.
Provide opportunities for NCS student(s) to learn and interact with their Chinese-speaking peers in school or outside school (For example, arrange NCS student(s) to join uniform teams or social services): provide opportunities for NCS student(s) to be leaders, strive for the cooperation to organize inclusion activities with different organizations; encourage NCS student(s) to join uniform teams.
Promote Home-School Cooperation to parents of NCS student(s):
Discuss the learning progress of the NCS student(s) with their parents (including Chinese learning progress) regularly.
Provide information for choices of schools / further studies to parents of NCS student(s).
Explain and emphasise the importance of learning Chinese to parents of NCS students.
To enhance communication between the school and parents of NCS student(s). A translator will be arranged for the school to provide translation service. It includes providing the translation of school notices and interpreting services at Parents’ Talk and on Parent-Teacher’s Day.